Went to Norway last Friday and spent too much money on cab fares and alcohol...had lots of fun though so I'm not going to complain. I love you Therese and I miss you so much MOVE BACK ALREADY!!! <3 The entire weekend was spent listening to Susanne's (not me another Susanne) and Therese's "partymix" I still have 5 of the songs playing in my head....
Sexy Bitch by Akon and David Guetta (this one I HAVE to dance to whenever I hear it and it's all Therese's fault)
I know you want me by Pitbull.....hahaha such a silly song (the black dude hitting on me while dancing to this.....aww man you had to be there xD it was hilarious)
Piquè Ta by O Corrascos a brasileiro song....just google it omg thank you Susanne for having this and playing it i LOVE it.
Toma Juizo by MC Galo same as above brasileiro....
and finally
Chapa Quente by Os Tchutchucos also brasileiro.....
So Aion launched this Friday and I have gotten about 7 hours of playtime (yay) after a bit of trouble with the payment I finally got the collectors edition that I ordered
Collectors edition.....and all I got was a "hand painted" plastic figure, the game soundtrack and the game + manuals.....the ingame items better be frigging good...I get a special set of wings available at lvl 30, earrings lvl 20, 2 emotes, special dye for armour and a title. The title sucked, I cant use wings or the earrings yet and I'm saving the dye's and the special xp bonus scroll....yeah so worth 700 sek...the game is amazing though so I'm still happy I got the CE.
I have made a couple of chars....ok it's a stable! And I have a mule named Mikaru who's going to be my hot sexy bank char...and yes I just called some pixels hot and sexy...cause they are...kinda...stop looking at the screen like that there's nothing wrong with me!

As you can see i have 2 chars that are twins...more on them later.
I really like the look on my warrior, the blonde girl sitting on the rock. She kinda looks like Annie Stewart from Eurythmics, but I only realised that when I logged ingame.
Anyway the Twins!!! I don't know what to do!! I decided to roll a Priest -> Cleric as a main (simple enough) and I made her look like my first char in beta since I thought she looked really cool. But now I saw someone with pretty much the same face as me but without the tattoo on the face that I have on my char and I want to get rid of it, but in the same time I like it....it's all very confusing.

Should I delete my lvl 10 char and remake it without the tattoo or just start on the "new one" I want my main to be called Silena so I have to delete my first char in order to get the name back or I could just play the second one I named Silenea....what to do...
Loving the game so far and I want to hurry up and get to the fun part! Instances and PvP!!
Why's the bank char a man and all the rest women? You've got some sort of feminist agenda going on there.
SvaraRaderaAnd there tends to be similar looking characters around, because of the limited amount of faces/heads, so no matter what you do, there'll be twins around. The decision should be easy.
PS. Why are you using Vista and why's there a pack of empty CDs laying around? Did you jump on a train back to the 90s? Just curious. NO GOOD REASON TO USE VISTA. Urgh. *loss of respect by a thousand points*
But the problem is that I don't know if I'll get bored with the tattoo on her face later on. As it is now I can still reroll and not loose to many hours. *sigh*
SvaraRaderaOh and about the bank char I wrote why I mad it a man in my post.....I'm not one to sit and drool over my female chars...a male one however...
Erm I bought Vista when I gave away my old PC to my mom since you can't get a copy of XP x64 anywhere in Sweden, and I like it. Only problem I have with it is that sometimes it stalls after post and when Vista is supposed to start....but apparently this is a problem with the ATI drivers for my GPU (still) not being fully compatible with Vista (oh I looked it up.....)
The CD's were for my cousin...he needed something I had so I burned it for him.
You'll get used to it as time goes by. Looks better than the one without in my opinion.
SvaraRaderaFemale chauvinism clearly at work here.
You're not normal if you like Vista. That makes you...paranormal.
So if my cousin wanted me to get him some music he could play in his car and brought over some CD's he had at home....I'm living in the 90's =D don't know if his car stereo can play DVD's and why pay more when the CD's are more then enough.
SvaraRaderaBrrrrr. At least buy them with slim covers. I remember buying that same pack a MILLION years ago. :D
SvaraRaderaCDs are useful when coffee cups put on them, though. Gotta give them that.