Went to Norway last Friday and spent too much money on cab fares and alcohol...had lots of fun though so I'm not going to complain. I love you Therese and I miss you so much MOVE BACK ALREADY!!! <3 The entire weekend was spent listening to Susanne's (not me another Susanne) and Therese's "partymix" I still have 5 of the songs playing in my head....
Sexy Bitch by Akon and David Guetta (this one I HAVE to dance to whenever I hear it and it's all Therese's fault)
I know you want me by Pitbull.....hahaha such a silly song (the black dude hitting on me while dancing to this.....aww man you had to be there xD it was hilarious)
Piquè Ta by O Corrascos a brasileiro song....just google it omg thank you Susanne for having this and playing it i LOVE it.
Toma Juizo by MC Galo same as above brasileiro....
and finally
Chapa Quente by Os Tchutchucos also brasileiro.....
So Aion launched this Friday and I have gotten about 7 hours of playtime (yay) after a bit of trouble with the payment I finally got the collectors edition that I ordered
Collectors edition.....and all I got was a "hand painted" plastic figure, the game soundtrack and the game + manuals.....the ingame items better be frigging good...I get a special set of wings available at lvl 30, earrings lvl 20, 2 emotes, special dye for armour and a title. The title sucked, I cant use wings or the earrings yet and I'm saving the dye's and the special xp bonus scroll....yeah so worth 700 sek...the game is amazing though so I'm still happy I got the CE.
I have made a couple of chars....ok it's a stable! And I have a mule named Mikaru who's going to be my hot sexy bank char...and yes I just called some pixels hot and sexy...cause they are...kinda...stop looking at the screen like that there's nothing wrong with me!

As you can see i have 2 chars that are twins...more on them later.
I really like the look on my warrior, the blonde girl sitting on the rock. She kinda looks like Annie Stewart from Eurythmics, but I only realised that when I logged ingame.
Anyway the Twins!!! I don't know what to do!! I decided to roll a Priest -> Cleric as a main (simple enough) and I made her look like my first char in beta since I thought she looked really cool. But now I saw someone with pretty much the same face as me but without the tattoo on the face that I have on my char and I want to get rid of it, but in the same time I like it....it's all very confusing.

Should I delete my lvl 10 char and remake it without the tattoo or just start on the "new one" I want my main to be called Silena so I have to delete my first char in order to get the name back or I could just play the second one I named Silenea....what to do...
Loving the game so far and I want to hurry up and get to the fun part! Instances and PvP!!